Terms and Conditions

These Terms of Use govern the access, browsing, and use of BlendIcons by its users, including the download and use of certain content owned by BlendIcons, as well as the services rendered through the website. BlendIcons reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, and it is recommended that users regularly review the Terms.

Additionally, the collection and processing of personal data are subject to the Privacy Policy.

Purpose of the Website

Through BlendIcons, users can search for visual content in various formats and access related information. The services provided may include searching and locating third-party content offered for free on the internet. However, the search results may also include content owned by BlendIcons and sponsored content, both of which are clearly identified.

Authorized Use of the Website

If the user is acting on behalf of a business, they must declare that they are authorized to bind the business, which will then be bound to these Terms of Use.

Users agree not to use the services negligently, for fraudulent purposes, or in an unlawful manner. Furthermore, users must refrain from engaging in actions that could damage the reputation, interests, or rights of BlendIcons or third parties.

Users are responsible for ensuring that the services meet their needs and that they possess all the necessary requirements, equipment, and software prior to using the services.

BlendIcons may publish advertising related to the searched content as part of the service.


To use BlendIcons services, users must register by creating a username and password and activating an account. Users are responsible for all activities carried out through their account from any device. BlendIcons reserves the right to suspend a user's account if these Terms are violated.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights pertaining to the website, services, and content owned by BlendIcons shall belong to BlendIcons or be licensed to BlendIcons.

Application End User License Agreement

Users are granted the freedom to use the icons for commercial and personal purposes and can customize them for use on websites, presentation templates, applications, or within their own designs. However, users are not permitted to sub-license, resell, rent, or include the icons in any online or offline archive or database.

General and Contact Information

The use of the BlendIcons website and its services shall be governed by the laws of [Israel]. In the event that any provision in these Terms of Use is declared invalid or unenforceable, it shall be deemed as not included, while the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.

For any inquiries, please contact BlendIcons at https://blendicons.com/contact-us .

Your Consent

By using our site, you consent to our privacy policy.